Aphyosemion australe Cap Lopez
Aphyosemion australe Cap Lopez
Aphyosemion australe Gold
Aphyosemion australe Gold
Aphyosemion australe Gold
Aphyosemion australe Gold
Current Scientific Name:
Aphyosemion australe
Described: (Rachow), 1921
Common name(s):
Some Recorded Strains:

Breeding Aphyosemion australe

Have you had any experience breeding this species? Why not fill in a species questionaire
2 other fishkeepers have successfully bred this species and left reports, their results are sumarised below

Spawning Mops (61%)
Long term (fry appear with adults) (22%)
Peat (or similar) spawning substrate (11%)
Other (6%)

Water Conditions:
Moderately soft and acidic (56%)
Neutral (17%)
Very soft and acidic (11%)
Very hard and alkaline (11%)
Moderately hard and alkaline (6%)

24-27°C (53%)
20-23°C (47%)

Read the full breeding report(s) for Aphyosemion australe

Aphyosemion australe Chocolate
Aphyosemion australe Chocolate
Links is funded by its visitors. When you buy through links on our site we may earn an affiliate commission. For more info see terms and conditions.

"Aphyosemion Australe Killifish Live Freshwater Fish Rare & Colorful Male Trio"

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 334**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Aphyosemion Australe Orange Killifish ?? Live FreshwaterFish?? Rare & Vibrant
Bring a splash of color to your aquarium with the stunning Aphyosemion AustraleOrange Killifish! These peaceful, easy-to-care-for fish are perfect forplanted tanks and nano aquariums. Known for their vibrant orange hue and livelypersonalities, they make a beautiful addition to any freshwater setup
Species: Aphyosemion Australe Orange Size: Juveniles / Young ... more

Scriptaphyosemion Schmitti Yuarzon Killifish Eggs 15 Count Rare!!!

Mount Morris, Michigan, 484**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Scriptaphyosemion Schmitti Yuarzon
Killifish Eggs 15 Count Rare Wont Find Anywhere Else!!


Breather bags:
do not float place fish in tank immediately. If you float fish will suffocate

Regular bag method:
method for acclimation is to place the unopened bag of fish in your aquarium for about 20 minutes to allow the temps to to rise to your tanks temp. Next, get a clean fish net ready. Place it over a bucket. Dump the contents of the bag into ... more


Mount Morris, Michigan, 484**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


15 eggs

During the colder months please consider upgrading to 2 day shipping


Breather bags:
do not float place fish in tank immediately. If you float fish will suffocate

Regular bag method:
method for acclimation is to place the unopened bag of fish in your aquarium for about 20 minutes to allow the temps to to rise to your tanks temp. Next, get a clean fish net ready. Place it over a bucket. Dump the contents of the bag into the ... more

Aphyosemion australe breeding reports

Each record reproduced here represents one instance of breeding this species. Have you kept and bred Aphyosemion australe? Why not add a breeding report? If you had different results, or used different methods, please share your experiences

How to keep and breed Aphyosemion australe

This database consists of breeding reports provided by the world killifish community, along with some statistical analysis. Results provided by successful keepers are aggregated in the bar charts below, with more detailed reports below that. Like any block of data, the larger the more significant. Please contribute a report of your attempt to breed Aphyosemion australe, even if you have had a negative results. You may, of course, file more than one report, particularly if you change some condition, and had a different result.

breeders have filled in breeding reports, a summary of the results are shown in the graphs below.

Would Aphyosemion australe be a good addition to a community tank?

  1. Never
  2. Doubtful, only with VERY calm fish
  3. Only with species of similar size
  4. Yes, a good community fish

How would you describe the disposition of Aphyosemion australe?

  1. Very timid
  2. Slightly timid
  3. Neutral
  4. Somewhat aggressive on occasions
  5. Very aggressive

In which water conditions do you keep these fish?

  1. Very soft and acidic
  2. Moderately soft and acidic
  3. Neutral
  4. Moderately hard and alkaline
  5. Very hard and alkaline

At what average temperature?

  1. 10-15°C
  2. 16-19°C
  3. 20-23°C
  4. 24-27°C
  5. 28°C+

What, if any is the biggest difficulty encountered when breeding these fish?

  1. Poor egg production
  2. Poor egg survival
  3. Poor fry survival rate
  4. Deformities
  5. Skewed sex ratio

How would you describe sex ratios when breeding Aphyosemion australe?

  1. Almost all males
  2. Somewhat male heavy
  3. Roughly equal
  4. Somewhat female heavy
  5. Almost all females

In general, how difficult is Aphyosemion australe to keep and breed?

  1. Very easy
  2. Easy
  3. Average
  4. Difficult
  5. Very difficult

How successful have you been at breeding Aphyosemion australe?

  1. Very unsuccessful
  2. Fairly unsuccessful
  3. Average
  4. Fairly successful
  5. Very successful

Very successful / fairly successful

Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor egg survival
Sex ratio: Somewhat male heavy
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Very successful
Other Comments: Obtained as F2, this strain is now F4-F5. Fish live for 2+ years. Nice green sheen to fish with the only orange as tips to fins. Fish show variations in dark body markings. Raised in 24"x8"x8" planted permanent setup. Also eggs collected from mops. Kept with some loricaridae. Peat stained soft water only 25% water change every two months. Eggs tend to fungus when handled. Better survival when collected eggs are kept in peat stained water. Very prolific 50+ eggs per week from 3 pairs. There are months when they stop laying eggs.
Breeder: David Baker, Maidenhead UK
Date this record created: 30th December 2002
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty:
Success: Very successful
Other Comments: A.australe many years ago was reportedly extremely easily bred and if a healthy strain is owned it is still the same today.I know of a few breeders who go to great lengths to widen their bloodstock of this species by periodically adding new lines.If anyone experiencies a problem breeding A.australe and the usual parameters are being met then their fish are probably too inbred.
Breeder: P.Burchell
Date this record created: 25th January 2003
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Peat (or similar) spawning substrate
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very successful
Breeder: (26 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 17th May 2004
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Peat (or similar) spawning substrate
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very successful
Breeder: Dan , Rumania (26 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 17th May 2004
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Chocolate
Water conditions: Neutral, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Very successful
Other Comments: * added peat to filtration system, had no success until I added this.
Breeder: Jay, Australia (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 19th January 2005
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Sex ratio: Somewhat female heavy
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very successful
Other Comments: I put them in a new nano-tank on my desk at work. They have shagged (and shagged... and shagged... and shagged...) And I got, and keep getting, babies in less than 3 weeks.
Breeder: tom, SFran Bay Area, CA (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 15th February 2005
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Chocolate
Water conditions: Very hard and alkaline, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Somewhat male heavy
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very successful
Other Comments: Mine actually bred and thrive in my hard water. I had appx 100 eggs from two young pairs over a two week period that I collected by hand from a mop in a 5 gallon tank. Appx 80% hatch and most fry survived. Force hatched the last 10-15 eggs with microworms or liquidfry food. In my water, most eggs fungus if I do not treat incubation water. In 1 gallon water--1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 drops acriflavin, and 2 drops meth blue. I changed water every 4-5 days with fresh tonic. I did keep eggs out of the light, and removed any obvious bad eggs. I also have best luck with fry if I use the same tonic for first two weeks in small plastic tubs or shoe boxes. Then to a 2.5 gallon tank with water just high enough to be above sponge filter. They are very active, not shy, when there are 70+ together in grow out tank swimming around alot and feeding on the surface! In a community tank they actually do pretty well, you just do not see them a lot except at feeding time, same as in their own breeding tanks. They hang near the bottom and naturally out of the way of my larger more aggressive fish. They eat anything and sex out very young. 2005 actually, calender would not go that far.
Breeder: Scott Martin, Colorado (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 13th September 2005
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor fry survival rate
Sex ratio: Somewhat female heavy
Breeding difficulty: Average
Success: Very successful
Breeder: (50 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 8th June 2006
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Water conditions: Very hard and alkaline, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor egg production
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Very successful
Other Comments: About a dozen eggs per spawn, hatch/survival rate is 75-90%. ph 7.8. 2 males and 3 females kept together in the tank. Fry are small, and can take BBS after a day or two.
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 4th December 2008
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Water conditions: Very soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor egg survival
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Average
Success: Fairly successful
Other Comments: Use of peat extract in the water to lower pH down to around 6 resulted in less fungus of eggs. Methylene blue also helped, as did separating picked eggs from one another in compartments. Even then, a substantial amount of eggs fungused (around 50% hatch rate at best). Gorgeous fish, but I suspect the long line of inbreeding has reduced the viability of eggs. I did not have nearly this type of trouble with the chocolate strains I bred. But then, I always liked the red strain better.
Breeder: Homer Faucett, USA--Indiana (5 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 8th February 2004
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Chocolate
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor egg survival
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Fairly successful
Other Comments: It's often said that A. Australe is the ideal fish for the 'beginner', although this isn't a difficult species, it is not the easiest and you need to have some patience
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 5th December 2004
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Very soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Fairly successful
Breeder: Peter Macada, Slovakia (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 16th December 2005
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Chocolate
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Fairly successful
Other Comments: Kept in PH of 6.2 - 6.4. Prolific mop spawners. Eggs kept in eSHa 2000 for 3 days then placed in Java Moss in small jar with trickle of air(Dim light only). Good hatch rate. Initially fed newly hatched brine shrimp but growth excellerates once capable of eating selected frozen bloodworm.
Breeder: Salisbury (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 7th April 2006
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Moderately hard and alkaline, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Average
Success: Fairly successful
Other Comments: Collected and stored the eggs on damp peat for about 3 weeks then submerged them in 1" of the parents tank water. Hatched after 2-3 days. Good success using this method.
Breeder: Nottingham, England (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 7th May 2006
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Chocolate
Water conditions: Neutral, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Other (see below)
Breeding problems: Poor fry survival rate
Sex ratio: Almost all males
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Fairly successful
Other Comments: thay acctualy breed in 2007. only the male is some times aggresiv and this is only to his sons. i did not remove the eggs from my community tank and i only have 3 fry 2 male 1 female. they spawnd on a artifichal fern and they were given jellyed food occasionly during the two weeks. for the frys fist food i gave them hikari micro pellats my tank allways gets this anyway as most of the other fish have small mouthse
Breeder: Emily, richmond north yorkshire (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 24th August 2006
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Neutral, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor egg production
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Fairly successful
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 24th September 2007
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Average
Success: Fairly successful
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 13th August 2007
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Average
Success: Fairly successful
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 13th August 2007

Average success

Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Water conditions: Moderately hard and alkaline, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor egg production
Sex ratio: Almost all males
Breeding difficulty: Difficult
Success: Average
Other Comments: Egg production dramatically improves if peat extract (from boiling peat) is added to the water. Will eat most foods including dry products (flake and freeze dried tubifex)
Breeder: Paul Carter, North Lincs (5 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 20th August 2002
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Water conditions: Neutral, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Average
Date this record created: 1st February 2003
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Adult fish removed from tank
Breeding problems: Poor fry survival rate
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Average
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 16th December 2003
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Average
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 16th April 2004
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Breeding problems: Poor fry survival rate
Sex ratio: Somewhat female heavy
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Average
Breeder: John, Australia (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 10th January 2005
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Skewed sex ratio
Sex ratio: Somewhat male heavy
Breeding difficulty: Average
Success: Average
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 15th March 2008


Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Water conditions: Neutral, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Breeding problems: Poor fry survival rate
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Difficult
Success: Fairly unsuccessful
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 12th November 2004
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Water conditions: Neutral, 28oC+
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Fairly unsuccessful
Other Comments: Obtained both the gold spotless and the orange which is a very nice species.
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 13th August 2005
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Skewed sex ratio
Sex ratio: Almost all males
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Fairly unsuccessful
Other Comments: Food mainly consists of frozen bloodworm, white worm & beef heart.Spawning tank size 16"x 8"x 8" with light covering of playsand on the base & 1 floating mop.Fry fed newly hatched brine shrimp & micro-worm for a few weeks then on to chopped frozen bloodworm.Fry were sexed out at about 10 to 12 weeks.
Breeder: Bill, Cumbernauld (3 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 13th October 2005
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Very soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor fry survival rate
Sex ratio: Somewhat male heavy
Breeding difficulty: Average
Success: Fairly unsuccessful
Other Comments: I find that they bred better in ph 4 and below. Also live blood worm and glassworm helps. I feed all the fry on baby brine shrimp then dahpina then blood worm. But this method my not work for you.
Breeder: yorkshire uk (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 23rd May 2006
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Albino
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor fry survival rate
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very difficult
Success: Fairly unsuccessful
Other Comments: These results only refer to the albino strain which originated in Fred Behrmann's fish room about 2020. Fred assured me these are from the old "hjeresseni" gold strain which he has kept for many years. Adults are hardy and prolific egg producers. Eggs tend to hatch very early resulting in "larval" fry which may or may not then absorb their yolk and develop. Most will not. Overall, early fry survival is very poor. After that though, they are just australes.
Breeder: annulatus, SW Canadian shield (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 11th July 2023
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 16-19oC
Spawning Method: Other (see below)
Breeding problems: Skewed sex ratio
Sex ratio: Somewhat male heavy
Breeding difficulty: Average
Success: Very unsuccessful
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 12th April 2005
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Location code: Gold
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Breeding difficulty:
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 16th June 2005
Breeding Report: Aphyosemion australe
Water conditions:
Breeding difficulty:
Other Comments: ALL USERS OF SPAWNING MOPS READ using spawning mops is risky if you have a comunity tank because then you are risking having more then 1 specie to breed and that can cause 1 specie growing up quicker and picking on the smaller spicie. its much better to put females in a different tank then half the males of females and let then reproduce for a few days.
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 21st April 2008 is funded by its visitors. When you buy through links on our site we may earn an affiliate commission. For more info see terms and conditions.

Norman??s Lampeye Killifish (Poropanchax normani), Tank-Bred!

Indianapolis, Indiana, 462**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


* For the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS Next Day Air   If your order contains this item, you will only see UPS Next Day Air as a shipping option during checkout *
This small fish is very peaceful and ideal for both beginners and experts alike, plus it is an excellent addition to the planted aquarium!
The Norman??s Lampeye Killifish (Poropanchax normani) is a peaceful fish whose small size makes it absolutely perfect for the nano or planted ... more

Red Cap Medaka Ricefish aka Japanese Ricefish / Killifish (Oryzias latipes "Red Ca

Indianapolis, Indiana, 462**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


* For the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS Next Day Air   If your order contains this item, you will only see UPS Next Day Air as a shipping option during checkout *
The Red Cap Medaka Ricefish is an extremely rare and lovely variant of its species!
The Red Cap Medaka Ricefish (Oryzias latipes ??Red Cap??), also known as the Japanese Ricefish or Japanese Killifish, is an extraordinarily adaptable fish species. This schooling fish can be the ... more

2 oz Grindal worm starter culture LIVE fish food for betta fry killifish & more

Ardenvoir, Washington, 988**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Grindal worms are small cousins to earthworms, and appeal to many species of fish, and fish fry, and are very easy to raise! You will receive a 2 oz portion cup of soil less media filled with live grindal worms, as well as detailed instructions to get your colony going and reproducing quickly. Also check out our other live fish food items, as well as heirloom seeds for the gardener in you!... more

Bluefin Killifish (Lucania goodei) "Feelin Goodei" - Aquarium Fish T-shirt

San Jose, California, 951**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


The unisex heavy cotton tee is the basic staple of any wardrobe. It is the foundation upon which casual fashion grows. All it needs is a personalized design to elevate things to profitability. The specialty spun fibers provide a smooth surface for premium printing vividity and sharpness. No side seams mean there are no itchy interruptions under the arms. The shoulders have tape for improved durability.
: 100% Cotton (fiber content may vary for different colors)
: Medium fabric (5 3 ... more

Neon Stripe Lampeye Killifish (Aplocheilichthys macrophthalmus), TANK-BRED!

Indianapolis, Indiana, 462**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


* For the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS Next Day Air   If your order contains this item, you will only see UPS Next Day Air as a shipping option during checkout * 
This fairly uncommon lampeye killifish is a real standout due to its iridescent blue-green horizontal striping!  
The Neon Stripe Lampeye Killifish (Aplocheilichthys macrophthalmus) is a peaceful fish whose small size makes it absolutely perfect for the nano or planted aquarium. Its ... more


Erie, Pennsylvania, 165**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


This print was taken from an antique book copyright 1902
Size of print: 9 1 / 2" x 6"
Would be a great print framed!!!
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