
A home-made fly trap thats very effective
A home-made fly trap thats very effective

Media consistancy problems

When preparing food for the flies, it is easy to make it too hard or too soft. This is an advantage of the Sussex media mentioned in Fruit fly food which is right every time. Too wet media can be countered by inserting twisted or screwed kitchen roll or newspaper - both absorbing some moisture and creating walkways for the flies. This can be done in any case, and can increase fly yields if there is often a shortage of pupation sites.


Mold is scarcely a problem if mold inhibitors are used, but also moldy cultures are usually lightly populated. The flies (and larvae) prevent mold when present in great enough numbers. Using narrow vials with a small surface area certainly helps. When reusing old vials ensure they are cleaned efficiently - failure to do so will also increase the likelihood of mold. A soak in weak bleach can help, but make sure they are rinsed thoroughly afterwards.


Can destroy a culture. Some merely feed on the media with the flies, but some are parasitic or egg eating. Mites can be treated with Benzyl benzoate soaked bungs, but it is probably easier to discard all cultures and get clean fly stocks. Mite prevention is probably more appropriate, and flies should be housed away from possible contamination, such as in a larger closeable cabinet.

Flightless flies starting to fly

This does happen. Flies can breed with wild flies through thin vial tops (netting for example), or mix with them during handling. Where possible use foam bungs, and try to keep your flies in a closed space away from potential contamination. Once this happens, you really need to replace your stocks and start again.

Fly explosions

Yes they will get out. I use a vinegar trap; vial of vinegar with a perforated tin foil lid. The flies head straight for it.

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Fruit Fly Culture SMALL

Lexington, Kentucky, 405**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


If you just have one (or a few) small spoods, this culture is great! When it's feeding time, simply chill in the fridge a few minutes before popping the top and sprinkling a controlled portion of fruit flys! Cultures last up to 5 weeks !

Want to order feeders less often? Add an "empty" culture to your order and you can start a new one in a couple of weeks!

Need more than a few flies? Check out the larger size!

... more

Flightless Fruit Fly Culture 32oz Live

Middletown, Pennsylvania, 170**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Our Flightless Fruit Fly Culture 32 oz are made with Repashy
Live Flightless Fruit Flies are a great option for feeding small lizards and many species of frogs, especially because of their reproduction cycle. Each culture of flightless fruit flies has a lifespan of about one month, and even after they die, they will continually pupate from eggs laid by the adults in the culture! This will allow you to keep fruit flies for a while, as long as they are taken care of accurately
Oue Fruit ... more

producing- Completely Wingless melanogaster 32oz Fruit Fly Culture

Vienna, Georgia, 310**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Live arrival voided during extreme temps above 95 degrees HEAT PACK OPTION AVAILABLE IF YOUR TEMPS WILL BE low
Will have excelsior for surface area
DISCLAIMER: as we enter summer temps, there is a risk that cultures will not arrive alive or producing, because of this I have included a ice pack option.
wingless melanogaster 32oz Fruit Fly Culture .
producing will be about a week old Please order accordingly! Due to winter season, live guarantee is voided if left in mailbox or ... more

Fly Trap Indoor, Fruit Fly Catcher Mosquito Killer Insect Trap with Sticky

Phoenix, Arizona, 850**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


FVOAI Fly Trap Indoor, Fruit Fly Catcher Mosquito Killer Insect Trap with Sticky Glue Boards(Black-Blue)HOME DESIGN
Tips for best results:
1 12 or more hours of running is suggested for an ideal effect
2 Close your windows and shut the doors
3 Put the trap in a dark place for the best trapping of insects
4. Place the trap near the insects-near the fruit, trash can, or plants
Product Specifications:
Power Required: 5WPower ... more

New BLACK Hydei 32 oz Fruit Fly Culture *HEAT PACK option*

Cordele, Georgia, 310**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Due to winter months and cold temps, live arrival is voided without purchase of a heat pack! please be aware of this when purchasing. Live arrival voided during extreme temps. HEAT PACK OPTION AVAILABLE IF YOUR TEMPS WILL BE HIGH
Will have excelsior for surface area
DISCLAIMER: as we enter winter temps, there is a risk that cultures will not arrive alive or producing, because of this I have included a heat pack option. I will also be shipping priority VS first class so prices have ... more