A single paramoecium, photo Adrian Burge

Paramecium as a food for killifish

Many young fish are so small when they first hatch that they can not eat traditional 'first foods' such as newly hatched artemia, microworms and vinegar eels. Amongst the nothos, this is particularly the case for N. janpapi, N. luekei and N. geminus - the Aphyobranchius subgenus. Other Nothobranchius, particularly from young parents, can also have similar problems (N. rachovii and N. patrizii spring to mind).

Infusoria is the collective name for microscopic organisms that dwell in bodies of water, feeding on detrietus and smaller single celled organisms, and include rotifers, and paramoecium. These micro-organisms live amongst plants, gravel, and in the filter, in fact anywhere they can. Squeezing out a sponge filter will yield a large number of these infusorians. For most (non-surface dwelling) fry it is ok to simply let them grow for a few days in a well matured tank with a sponge filter, or with a large clump of javamoss. A few days on and the fry will be eating newly hatched artemia nauplii - so why bother to raise paramoecium?

The smaller nothos (Aphyobranchius species) are surface dwellers, the newly hatched fry spending their first days living at the very surface of their tank - often in the meniscus around the edge. Because of this tendancy to remain near the water surface, the infusoria associated with plant matter is unavailable to the young fry, and can lead to starvation. paramoecium, on the other hand will stay near the waters surface if the tank is illuminated from above - exactly where the young fish need them. Another method is to have a slow air bubble (1 bubble/second) going to the surface (and bringing the paramoecium up without causing excessive turbulence.

Culturing Paramecium

Paramoecium are very easy to keep; as long as their water is clean, aerated and free of chlorine, they will thrive. I use aged tapwater. They can be fed easily with the smallest quantities of evaporated milk - just enough to give their water a slightly cloudy appearance. Collection is also relatively easy; if the culture is poured into a tall thin bottle, such as a clear wine bottle, the paramoecium can be seen congregating around the water surface, where they can be easily removed. This is not really necessary though as the culture can be simply poured (in part) in with your fry. Some people even add a tiny drop of milk in with the fry, just to get the paramoecium really thriving with the fry.

The greatest problem is with contamination - if any tank water gets into the cultures they will soon be outcompeted by other infusorians. Failure to feed them is not a major problem, as they will return even if unfed for many weeks. is funded by its visitors. When you buy through links on our site we may earn an affiliate commission. For more info see terms and conditions.

Paramecium Power One Celled Organism Art One Of A Kind Die-Cut Vinyl Decal

Midlothian, Virginia, 231**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Paramecium Power Die-Cut Vinyl DecalHigh Quality Paramecium Power Die-Cut Vinyl Decal

Original Design Decal!!!

This decal is not a print. This is a high quality precision contour cut vinyl decal. Our decals are made using high grade full color glossy USA made Avery vinyl. So they will last for years indoors or out!

Decal is solid one color, and die cut. The only thing to get applied is what is shown as the color of the decal. The decal will have no ... more

Infusoria starter culture live food Corydoras bettas & more!

Ardenvoir, Washington, 988**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Infusoria should only be fed to your fry until they are big enough to feed on Grindals, Walter worms, banana worms, vinegar eels, or baby brine shrimp. We have most of these available as well. These little guys are some of the most advanced protazoans, and a very nutritious first live food for many types of fry. You will receive a 5 oz bottle (like a 5 hour energy bottle of live paramecium, some food mix to get the culture off to a good start, and detailed instructions for care, to make sure ... more

Davis Meltzer Color Original Gouache Camera Art - Biology Paramecium

Southampton, Pennsylvania, 189**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


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Paramecium starter culture

Saint Paul, Minnesota, 551**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Our Paramecium starter culture is the perfect addition to an aquarium, providing a plethora of healthy microorganisms as a food source. This starter culture is ideal for baby fry in their first few days of life, helping them transition to larger live foods. It's also great for feeding your daphnia and maintaining a healthy tank. Make sure your aquarium's inhabitants are well-fed with our Paramecium starter culture
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GIANT MICROBES-PARAMECIUM-Stuffed Plush Micro Organism Single Cell Scope Biology

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 191**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


Optics are AMAZING and can open up all sorts of unseen worlds! As Astronomers, our telescopes have been the gateway to Outer Space for countless new observers. A microscope is a similar gateway to the unseen worlds of Inner Space! For many students, peering into a microscope for the first time can be a shocking experience. A drop of water from a nearby stream can suddenly come to LIFE as the first glimpse of SOMETHING swims by. Say Hello to ... more