Fundulopanchax nigerianus Makurdi
Fundulopanchax nigerianus Misajé gold
Fundulopanchax nigerianus P82
Current Scientific Name:
Fundulopanchax nigerianus
Described: (Stenholt Clausen), 1963
Common name(s):
Distribution: Nigeria
Some Recorded Strains:
Jos Plateau
One of the most stunning, but widely kept Fundulopanchax species. For a number of years, nigerianus was considered a subspecies of Fundulopanchax gardneri, and is still sometimes referred to as Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianum
Fundulopanchax nigerianus Jos Plateau
Fundulopanchax nigerianus Jos Plateau
Fundulopanchax nigerianus Jos Plateau
Fundulopanchax nigerianus Innidere
Fundulopanchax nigerianus A stunning pair from Jos Plateau, in central Nigeria.

Fundulopanchax nigerianus Makurdi is funded by its visitors. When you buy through links on our site we may earn an affiliate commission. For more info see
terms and conditions.
Indianapolis, Indiana, 462**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
* For the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS Next Day Air If your order contains this item, you will only see UPS Next Day Air as a shipping option during checkout *
This hardy, robust killifish is an extremely colorful, excellent specimen for the planted aquarium!
The Blue Gardner's Killifish (Fundulopanchax gardneri) is an extremely colorful, peaceful fish whose small size makes it absolutely perfect for the nano or planted aquarium. Native ...
Holland, Michigan, 494**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
This listing is for a 3-inch female Blue Gularis Killifish, a USA-bred specimen, parents from David Hemmerlein??s fish room. While she might not have the vibrant colors of the male, she??s an essential part of any breeding pair for this species
Why you need her:
?? Perfect if your male has harmed your previous female
?? Crucial for breeding projects
?? USA strain known for quality and breeding reliability
Note: Male and female Blue Gularis should not...
Mount Morris, Michigan, 484**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Gardneeri P82 Eggs 15 Count! Lyretail Killifish Fundulopanchax
You get 15 eggs shipped in damp coco coir. eggs will be collected and sent out 1 week after purchase
Fish are fasted for at least 24 hours before being shipped to minimize waste during shipping
DOA Policies:
1. Report DOA within the first 2 hour of received the package. We??re not responsible for any report after 1 hour time frame. The package DOA policy will be voided NO EXCEPTIONS...
Fundulopanchax nigerianus breeding reports
Each record reproduced here represents one instance of breeding this species. Have you kept and bred Fundulopanchax nigerianus? Why not add a breeding report? If you had different results, or used different methods, please share your experiences
How to keep and breed Fundulopanchax nigerianus
This database consists of breeding reports provided by the world killifish community, along with some statistical analysis. Results provided by successful keepers are aggregated in the bar charts below, with more detailed reports below that. Like any block of data, the larger the more significant. Please contribute a report of your attempt to breed Fundulopanchax nigerianus, even if you have had a negative results. You may, of course, file more than one report, particularly if you change some condition, and had a different result.
breeders have filled in breeding reports, a summary of the results are shown in the graphs below.
Would Fundulopanchax nigerianus be a good addition to a community tank?
- Never
- Doubtful, only with VERY calm fish
- Only with species of similar size
- Yes, a good community fish
How would you describe the disposition of Fundulopanchax nigerianus?
- Very timid
- Slightly timid
- Neutral
- Somewhat aggressive on occasions
- Very aggressive
In which water conditions do you keep these fish?
- Very soft and acidic
- Moderately soft and acidic
- Neutral
- Moderately hard and alkaline
- Very hard and alkaline
At what average temperature?
- 10-15°C
- 16-19°C
- 20-23°C
- 24-27°C
- 28°C+
What, if any is the biggest difficulty encountered when breeding these fish?
- Poor egg production
- Poor egg survival
- Poor fry survival rate
- Deformities
- Skewed sex ratio
How would you describe sex ratios when breeding Fundulopanchax nigerianus?
- Almost all males
- Somewhat male heavy
- Roughly equal
- Somewhat female heavy
- Almost all females
In general, how difficult is Fundulopanchax nigerianus to keep and breed?
- Very easy
- Easy
- Average
- Difficult
- Very difficult
How successful have you been at breeding Fundulopanchax nigerianus?
- Very unsuccessful
- Fairly unsuccessful
- Average
- Fairly successful
- Very successful
Very successful / fairly successful
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Moderately hard and alkaline, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very successful
Other Comments: I put 3 pairs in a lightly planted 25g tank, with half an inch of silver sand in the bottom. I fed occasionally. Now there are always 30-40 youngsters of various sizes in the tank with the adults. I whip out 10 at a time to grow on.
Breeder: Jules, UK
Date this record created: 8th July 2003
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Sex ratio: Somewhat female heavy
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very successful
Other Comments: I keep a group of 10+ adults in a 60L planted tank. I do a 50% water change every few months. Sponge filter. Some fry appear with the adults though most eggs and fry are surely eaten. Mostly fed on flake food. I remove eggs from mops and fry as needed.
Breeder: David Baker, Maidenhead, UK
Date this record created: 9th July 2003
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Neutral, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very successful
Other Comments: 23-25C
Breeder: Ukraine (4 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 11th December 2003
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: Makurdi
Water conditions: Neutral, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Peat (or similar) spawning substrate
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very successful
Breeder: (3 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 21st January 2004
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Neutral, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Peat (or similar) spawning substrate
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very successful
Breeder: (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 21st January 2004
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Neutral, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Skewed sex ratio
Sex ratio: Almost all males
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Very successful
Breeder: Marcio Alexandre, Santos - Brasil (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 22nd March 2004
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: Misaje
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Breeding problems: Skewed sex ratio
Sex ratio: Almost all females
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very successful
Other Comments: Disposition: Very timid in their own tank, but very confident in a community tank. very prolific breeders on thier own and in large community tank, constantly spawning.
Small box filter or pico power filter used.
Food: frozen brine shrimp with algae. live bloodworm plus flake food.
Spawning method: mops not very successful, fish preferred to spawn on the weed.
Breeder: trevor kershaw, blackburn (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 21st May 2005
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Very soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Adult fish removed from tank
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Very successful
Other Comments: Spawning method: peat
Removed the parents ( 1male, 2 female) after 3-4 weeks.
Last breed :75 fishes
Breed before :125 fishes
Breeder: Han Oldenburg, Zwolle, Holland (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 5th December 2005
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Very soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Adult fish removed from tank
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Very successful
Breeder: sheffield (3 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 2nd March 2009
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Moderately hard and alkaline, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Fairly successful
Other Comments: This is a very good starters fish.
Breeder: (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 6th November 2002
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Neutral, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Adult fish removed from tank
Breeding problems: Poor egg survival
Sex ratio: Somewhat female heavy
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Fairly successful
Date this record created: 29th September 2003
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: P82
Water conditions: Moderately hard and alkaline, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Fairly successful
Other Comments: Very easy fish and one I could recommend for beginners. Fry was often found with the parents, even when in a small tank. Growth rate fairly quick.
Breeder: Paul 307-03, North Lincs (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 10th October 2005
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: Misaje
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Breeding problems: Poor egg survival
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Fairly successful
Other Comments: Last breeding was August 2006, but the fish have bred regularly from the time I got them.
The females were quite aggressive, chasing each other around the 24x8x8 tank until one hid in the mops. Then the "victor" would approach the male and nudge him repeatedly. This only happened when a female was eggbound.
The surface of the tanks is covered with floating fern plants, which are used occasionally for spawning.
Food was primarily frozen artemia or blood worm with live food once per week. Flake on occasions. Young were fed live Artemia Napulii, then progressed to frozen and later live foods.
Mops were used to enable the females to hide, as well as for laying eggs. On inspection the top 1 inch of the mops were covered in eggs, but most were white (infertile?), but next to them were eyed up eggs ready to hatch.
Growth rate of young was very quick and could be sexed at 1cm. Males have red "lipstick" on lower jaw and more colourful fins. Larger young will canibalize the smaller fry.
Breeder: (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 15th October 2006
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: Lokoja
Water conditions: Neutral, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Fairly successful
Other Comments: Water: neutral to moderatly soft. Ph 6.5-7.2 Fast growth rate when fed live foods, but will take flake foods. I also change one third of the water twice per week.
The Lokoja location took first place in class at the 2007 AKA convention. Best shown between the ages of three to six months of age when their in prime condition.
Breeder: Bob, USA (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 12th August 2007
Average success
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Neutral, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Peat (or similar) spawning substrate
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Average
Breeder: Jan DKG 640, Germany
Date this record created: 27th April 2003
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: Misaje
Water conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor egg production
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Average
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 5th March 2005
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Moderately hard and alkaline, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Breeding problems: Deformities
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Average
Other Comments: The adult breeding pair were not suitable for a community tank. They predated on the other fishes, taking chunks out of their fins. This caused the demise of one fish before I removed them to their own tank.
Of the fry that were born, I kept one in the community tank as a juvenile and as he matured he was peaceful and caused no problems.
Breeder: Karl Pickering, Hertfordshire (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 8th December 2005
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Neutral, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor egg survival
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Average
Success: Fairly unsuccessful
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 1st March 2004
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: P82
Water conditions: Moderately hard and alkaline, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Fairly unsuccessful
Other Comments: I simply filled a 2 foot tank with mops and plants - added two large pairs of gardneri nigerianus P82 and fed well.
Soon fry were teaming out of the mops, and the mops are FULL of eggs, still, particularly a day after feeding with white worms.
If I had room I could pick even more eggs still!
Breeder: jules (6 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 8th December 2004
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: Misaje
Water conditions: Neutral, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Fairly unsuccessful
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 14th July 2005
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 16-19oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor fry survival rate
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Fairly unsuccessful
Breeder: Hau, Hong Kong (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 4th April 2009
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: Misaje
Water conditions: Neutral, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very unsuccessful
Other Comments: I keep a trio in a well lit, heavily planted 10 gallon with a Hypancistrus zebra (zebra pleco) and a few otos (Hisonotus leucofrenatus and Otocinlus arnoldi).
Mating started immediately and was constant. Eggs appeared within a week. No fry for the first month. Removed over-the-back filter and replaced with a small powerhead attached to a sponge. Then explosions of fry ensued. It looks like there have been at least 4 hatchings in the last month as there are four different sized fry. No signs of cannibalism from either parents or peers. I highly recommend not using any filter that might suck up and trap eggs and/or fry. I think that was my problem in the beginning.
Adults get live and frozen brine shrimp.
Fry get live and frozen baby brine and frozen rotifers.
Breeder: Patrick Stockton, Portland, Oregon USA (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 18th December 2004
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: Makurdi
Water conditions: Neutral, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Skewed sex ratio
Sex ratio: Somewhat male heavy
Breeding difficulty: Easy
Success: Very unsuccessful
Breeder: new york USA (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 19th July 2005
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: Lokoja
Water conditions: Neutral, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Long term (fry appear with adults)
Sex ratio: Somewhat female heavy
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very unsuccessful
Breeder: Rodney Miller, North Carolina USA (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 9th August 2006
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: Jos Plateau
Water conditions: Neutral, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Other (see below)
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Average
Success: Very unsuccessful
Other Comments: java moss attached to a stone is good to use when breeding them.
Breeder: graham jones, england (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 20th June 2007
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusLocation code: Jos Plateau
Water conditions: Neutral, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Other (see below)
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Average
Success: Very unsuccessful
Other Comments: java moss attached to a stone is good to use when breeding them.
Breeder: graham jones, england (2 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 20th June 2007
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 24-27oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Breeding problems: Poor egg survival
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very unsuccessful
Breeder: Jason, Bracknell (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 18th June 2009
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Moderately hard and alkaline, 20-23oC
Spawning Method: Spawning Mops
Sex ratio: Roughly equal
Breeding difficulty: Very easy
Success: Very unsuccessful
Other Comments: Very easy to breed.
I put a male and 3/4 females (well conditioned) in a small tank with a sponge filter and a mop.
Fish are well feeded with frozen and live food. Daily 50% water changes.
Water used is Ph8, some alder cones are added to prevent eggs to fungus. Eggs are picked up from the mops daily and putted in a separate tank. first fry will appear in 15/18 days
Breeder: Patrizio, Italy (3 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 27th September 2019
Breeding Report: Fundulopanchax nigerianusWater conditions: Moderately soft and acidic, 20-23oC
Breeding difficulty:
Breeder: (1 years experience with this species)
Date this record created: 16th June 2005 is funded by its visitors. When you buy through links on our site we may earn an affiliate commission. For more info see
terms and conditions.
Maybrook, New York, 125**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Please contact me before ordering. Some zip codes will need to ship overnight and some weeks this winter I won??t be able to ship priority because of temperature. I may cancel order until better weather. Please understand. Thank you!
You will get 2 pairs
Fundulopanchax sjoestedti oteri 2021 f3
Coloring up nice 2?? + for males
Both adult Males in pictures are breeders.
Bred and Raised in my fishroom in New York. When buying ...
Mount Morris, Michigan, 484**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Gold Gardneeri Eggs 15 Count! Lyretail Killifish Fundulopanchax
You get 15 eggs shipped in damp coco coir. eggs will be collected and sent out 1 week after purchase
Fish are fasted for at least 24 hours before being shipped to minimize waste during shipping
DOA Policies:
1. Report DOA within the first 2 hour of received the package. We??re not responsible for any report after 1 hour time frame. The package DOA policy will be voided NO ...
Belle Glade, Florida, 334**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Introducing the Fundulopanchax Gardneri Gold Killifish! 1 Male / 2 Females Trio
Pictures are of parents and a small selection of the fry that are beginning to color up
Are you ready to add a touch of golden elegance to your freshwater aquarium? Look no further than the stunning Fundulopanchax Gardneri Gold Killifish! With its radiant golden hues and graceful demeanor, this fish is sure to captivate all who behold it
Originating from West Africa, these dazzling beauties are renowned...
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 334**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Item Description:
Up for auction is a beautiful TRIO (ALL MALES) of Fundulopanchax gardneri, a stunning and hardy killifish species perfect for freshwater aquariums. These fish are known for their vibrant colors, active personalities, and ease of care. These guys are vibrant and active! They are very personably fish. The video and photos do their coloration, no Justice!
Species: Fundulopanchax gardneriQuantity: 3 Male TrioDiet: Live and frozen foods preferred (baby brine ...
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 334**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Item Description:
Up for auction is a beautiful TRIO (ALL MALES) of Fundulopanchax gardneri, a stunning and hardy killifish species perfect for freshwater aquariums. These fish are known for their vibrant colors, active personalities, and ease of care. These guys are vibrant and active! They are very personably fish. The video and photos do their coloration, no Justice!
Species: Fundulopanchax gardneriQuantity: 3 Male TrioDiet: Live and frozen foods preferred (baby brine ...
Indianapolis, Indiana, 462**, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
* For the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS Next Day Air If your order contains this item, you will only see UPS Next Day Air as a shipping option during checkout *
This small fish is very peaceful and ideal for both beginners and experts alike, plus it is an excellent addition to the planted aquarium!
The Norman??s Lampeye Killifish (Poropanchax normani) is a peaceful fish whose small size makes it absolutely perfect for the nano or planted ...